Hi, I am Abdulla Ali Alshamsi
an aspiring AI pioneer!
Who am I?
International Baccalaureate Student
I am a student at Emirates National School Al Ain City Campus.
Rank #1
~ straight A's; academic high-acheiver
International AI learner
I have participated in AI Olympiad, attended college-level programs regarding AI, and active in AI scene in the country.
Competitive Chess player
A founder of a chess club, a participant in the local chess club, and among top 100 UAE active players.
Abu Dhabi Honor's student
A candidate in Abu Dhabi, two competitively selective honors student programs: MustaQbali and RIZE Honors
My E-portfolio
Proud to be recognized by Columbia university Professor Marcela Mendoza
Math AI HL
Physics SL
English B HL
Business Management HL
Chemistry SL
Arabic A SL
Inpsirit AI Scholars Bootcamp
Codecademy python coruses
MBZUAI + ADEK ML Olympiad preparation
Columbia University Data science and Machine Learning course ||
Final round participant in Ministry of Education leadership and diplomacy program
COP 28 School organizor and lead participant
Elonator ML project lead
Founder and president of a chess club
SAT 1410 {730 Math}
GRT passed
Many Activities and Certificates..